FEE: $35.00
Entry Fee per Participating Youth (leaders/parents/family members coming to observe during the day shall not be charged a fee, but must complete a Waiver Form and wear an “Observer” badge (provided by WSR).

FEE: $35.00
Entry Fee per Participating Youth (leaders/parents/family members coming to observe during the day shall not be charged a fee, but must complete a Waiver Form and wear an “Observer” badge (provided by WSR).
$15.00 to rent electric Claybird Thrower (you may not bring your own)
$24.00 per box of Claybirds (135 per box)
If you do not have firearms to bring, contact us immediately to discuss alternate possibilities. There will be an additional charge if you request to use our Instructor’s firearms and ammunition.
Proper clothing for outdoor weather conditions
Proper shelter
Flashlights / lanterns
Must bring sufficient water (we do have an outdoor well for refills)
Food / Drink
Cooking necessities / Serving necessities
Wood for bonfire (allowed only if weather permits)
Only the following firearm calibers are permitted to be used during the event:
.22 Caliber Rifles
.22 Caliber Pistols – use to be determined on a case by case basis.
12 or 20 gauge shotguns only, with size 7-1/2, 8 or 9 shot size.
Adults are present to supervise the youth – they shall not shoot their own firearms independently during the event.
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