


FEE:  $35.00    

Entry Fee per Participating Youth (leaders/parents/family members coming to observe during the day shall not be charged a fee, but must complete a Waiver Form and wear an “Observer” badge (provided by WSR).

If using Shotgun Range, additional charges:

 $15.00 to rent electric Claybird Thrower (you may not bring your own)

$24.00 per box of Claybirds (135 per box)

If you do not have firearms to bring, contact us immediately to discuss alternate possibilities. There will be an additional charge if you request to use our Instructor’s firearms and ammunition.

WSR Provides:

  • Range use during regular range hours
  • NRA Range Safety Officer supervision at each section of the range being used
  • NRA Classroom and/or Range Instruction upon request (must be pre-arranged)
  • Observer Badge for adults
  • Paper targets for rifle/pistol ranges
  • Archery equipment / targets
  • Eye and Ear Protection for each person on the firing line
  • Area for primitive camping
  • Port A Pot restroom facilities
  • Bonfire pit (you supply the firewood)


Group Provides:

  • WSR Waiver signed by each parent/adult accompanying the group (even observers).
  • Adequate adult supervision for the size of the group (25 youth participants maximum at each event) We do not babysit.
    A minimum of two adults are required at each section of the range being used by the youth (rifle/shotgun/pistol/archery). These adults must be familiar with the equipment being used, and able to instruct the youth in their use (unless an agreement has been pre-arranged to use Wicen’s Instructors equipment, in which case the Instructor will be with the equipment in use. These adults shall be backed up by a Wicen’s assigned Range Safety Officer.
  • Flags for proper Flag Retirement Ceremony at our fire pit / picnic area.
  • If camping onsite:

    Proper clothing for outdoor weather conditions

    Proper shelter

    Flashlights / lanterns

    Must bring sufficient water (we do have an outdoor well for refills)

    Food / Drink

    Cooking necessities / Serving necessities

    Wood for bonfire (allowed only if weather permits)

  • FIREARMS – Groups must provide their own firearms and ammunition, unless an arrangement has been reached with Wicen’s Shooting Range.
  • Only the following firearm calibers are permitted to be used during the event:

    .22 Caliber Rifles

    .22 Caliber Pistols – use to be determined on a case by case basis.

    12 or 20 gauge shotguns only, with size 7-1/2, 8 or 9 shot size.

    Adults are present to supervise the youth – they shall not shoot their own firearms independently during the event.

  • ARCHERY EQUIPMENT – Groups may bring their own archery equipment or may use Wicen’s if arrangements are made in advance.
  • Groups are allowed by invitation only to camp on the farm for the weekend or come to shoot on a pre-arranged date. Arrival for camping is normally Friday evening and departure is normally Sunday morning before the range opens, although this is flexible.
  • One contact person from the group to Wicen’s shall be established. Their job is to relay all information to the group. Too many people acting as contact person causes confusion. The contact person must be onsite with the group for their entire event.
  • You will only be permitted at designated areas of the property. These boundaries will be provided at the safety orientation upon arrival. Out of bounds and safety violations shall result in the youths’ parents being notified and the youth or guest being asked to leave.
  • Cameras and video recording devices are not permitted on or of the firing line. Upon request, arrangements may be made for group photos in another area of the farm.
  • Alcohol and Drug Use is prohibited at all times on the Wicen property by all persons participating/attending the event.
  • We operate within the BSA guide to safe scouting, NRA rules for safe range operation and our own common sense regulations.
  • The range is open to our members. There are likely to be many people onsite other than your group during the regular range hours. Everyone must be on their best behavior at all times or will be asked to leave the property.
Archery range

Questionnaire for Groups Requesting Events at WSR